


(°1946, lives and works in Antwerp)


Diane Bogaerts' body of work consists of large oil-paintings and collages on paper. Her paintings offer the artist's reflections on nature and human physicality. Referring to the physical flows in nature and life that overcomes one and the temporality of our existence. They are about memories of landscapes and the research itself about painting. Explore notions of memory and imagination through a poetic approach to stillness and movement. The works arise on the canvas from memory or intuition. Looking is the most important part of the process. Concentrate on the nature of each brushstroke, its impulse, speed and direction. It is the constant search that forces her to continue working, much more than finding a neat solution. Letting the work arise naturally within the adventure of painting.


Diane Bogaerts was almost 50, when starting her career as a painter. Her first exhibition was in 1992. Many will follow in Belgium and abroad. Her work is in various collections and was on view a.o. :Galerie Grusenmeyer, Deurle (BE), Galerie ABC, Brussels (BE), Galerie Anita Shapolsky, New-York (USA), Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (B), Gallery Dufon & Racz, Bern (CH). Diane Bogaerts’s works are in different collections and have been exhibited with Andrea Nyffeler and Max Roth.




Exhibitions with Eva Steynen Gallery

2022 Solo Exhibition Avalanche

2023 10 Years, What a surprise Part 2



°1946, lives and works in Antwerp


2022 - Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Antwerpen (B)

2019 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2017 - Huis Happaert, Antwerpen (B)

2013 - Kunstencentrum Berkenveld, Wilrijk (BE)

2011 - Life Is Art, Antwerpen (BE)

         - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2010 - Galerie Wijland, Koksijde (BE)

2009 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2008 - Galerie Bis Heute, Bern (CH)

2007 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2006 - Galerie Bis Heute, Bern (SWI)

        - Galerie De Groene Poort, Middenbeemster (NL)

2005 - Stichting Beeldende Kunst, Haarlem (NL)

        - In Between, Antwerpen (BE)

2004 - Stichting Beeldende Kunst, Haarlem (NL)

        - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2003 - Galerie Grusenmeyer, Deurle (BE)

2002 - Galerie Grusenmeyer, Deurle (BE)

        - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

2001 - La Sala de los Lavaderos, Santa Cruz (ESP)

2000 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

        - Huis voor Beeldende Kunst, Utrecht (NL)

1999 - Galerie Jaccaud, Saignon en Luberon (FR)

        - Wereldcultuurcentrum Zuiderpershuis,Antwerpen (BE)

        - Pulchri Studio, Den Haag (NL)

1998 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)

1997 - Galerie Van Der Planken, Antwerpen (BE)

        - Galerie Art Images, Haarlem (NL)

        - Stichting Beeldende Kunst, Haarlem (NL)

1996 - Galerie De Witte Beer, Brugge (BE)

1995 - Galerie Art Images, Haarlem (NL)

1994 - ON Galerie, Knokke (BE)

1993 - Galerie Argo, Knokke (BE)

1992 - Galerie ABC, Brussel (BE)-



2023 - 10 YEARS WHAT A SURPRISE, Eva Steynen Gallery (B)

2018 - All Together Now, Duflon&Racz Gallery, Bern (CH)

2017 - Eine Anordnung mit Künstlern der Galerie, Duflon&Racz Gallery, Bern (CH)

        - Duynstraat, Antwerpen (BE)

2007 - Gorge(l) Museum Schone Kunsten,             Antwerpen (BE)

2004 - Solo Quint II, Dendermonde (BE)

2000 - Galerie Anita Shapolsky, New York (USA)

1999 - VUB, Brussel (BE)

        - Lakenhalle, Ieper (BE)

1998 - Passage 44, Brussel (BE)

1995 - De vrouw als monument, Amsterdam (NL)

1994 - Kasteel van Nederloo (BE)

1992 - Galerie Argo, Knokke (BE)


Collection VUB, ULB (B)

Collection UA- Campus Drie Eicken, Antwerpen (B)