°1990, B
lives and works in Antwerp
Robert Soroko searches for possibilities to keep his sculptures mobile. By wind or by hand they move very subtile, almost invisible. Hard materials like metal he gives form, they show a captured movement, as if the welding has suddenly stopped. Although they are robust they show a purified simple line. We already saw his works combining soft bamboo with iron. During the Covid-19 lockdown he started to work on a series for outside. This new steel figures come in clear basic colours. Making a different intervention depending on the material an space. They recall to figures out of old cultures, their slow elegant movements inspired by Tai-Chi, organic figures that seem walking out of another world.
Robert Soroko was laureate at the KASK, Antwerp and received first price for drawing, 2015 and sculpture, 2019. Exhibitions include: 'The ‘Old Up & Down’ (curator Hans Theys) at d'Apostrof, Meigem, Galerie Annie Gentils and Antwerp Art Pavillion; ‘Cook it, Boil it, Bake it or Forget it’ (curator Nadia Bijl) Zuiderpershuis, Antwerp; ‘Artist proposal for a private composition #3’, Aboutart, Antwerp; Kunstenbiënnale Aardenburg, NL; PHP4, Rooms, Pink House, Antwerp; Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Antwerp (B); Art Rotterdam (NL); Positions Berlin (D); Emmergent, Veurne (B) ; Kanal Pompidou, Brussels (B)
Exhibitions with Eva Steynen.Deviation(s)
2019 All About stacking (group-show brought together by Hans Theys)
2020 Yes, we are open! (group-show)
2021 Art Rotterdam (NL)
2022 Touch-Line(s) #3
Art Rotterdam (NL)
Positions Berlin Art fair (D)
Solo exhibition
Curriculum Vitae ROBERT SOROKO
°1990, B, lives and works in Antwerp
Website of the artist:
2016 – 2018 MA degree in Visual Arts (scultpture), Royal Academy Antwerp
2013 – 2016 BA degree in Visual Arts (Sculpture), Royal Academy Antwerp
2018 Winner, Sculpture, (Prijs Beelhouwkunst), Royal Academy Antwerp
2015 Winner, Drawing (Prijs van de Tekenleraars), Royal Academy Antwerp
Solo Exhibition
2022 - Solo exhibition, Eva Steynen.Deviation(s)
Selected group shows
2022 - Positions Berlin Art Fair with Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Berlin (D)
- Art Rotterdam, with Eva Steynen.Deviation(s)
- 15th Triannual of Sculpture, Campo & Campo, Antwerp (B)
- Touch-Lines #3, Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Antwerp (B)
2021 - Wals 10, Herzele (B)
- Gates (might) open soon, Kanal Pompidou, Brussels (B)
- Art Rotterdam with Eva Steynen.Deviation(s)
- Miniheim, Forbidden City, Antwerp (B)
2020 - 'Yes, we are open!', Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Antwerp (B)
- Maybe Tomrrow, Emmergent, Veurne (B)
- Aboutart #4, Annick Ketele, Brasschaat (B)
2019 - All About Stacking, Eva Steynen.Deviation(s), Antwerp (B)
- Aboutart #3, Annick Ketele, Brasschaat (B)
- PKP19, Artunited, Pukkelpop (B)
- Crackler, Growmers, Brawlers, CIAP, Hasselt (B)
- Koppen Bij Mekaar, galerie Artisjok, Lier
- Vrijheid Vandaag!, Kunstenfestival Aardenburg (NL)
- Stock #17, Paviljoen, KASK, Gent (NL)
- PHP4, Rooms, Pink House, Antwerp (B)
2018 - the Old Up & Down, curated by Hans Theys, Annie Gentils, Antwerp Art Pavilion (B)
- Cook it, Boil it, Bake it or Forget it, curated by Nadia Bijl, Zuiderpershuis, Antwerp (B)
2016 - Omber, Odradek, Octaeder, curated by Hans Theys, Galerie d'Apostrof, Meigem (B)